Tech Insights: 3 Winning Technologies for Dentists During COVID-19

Dental practices that have seen continued growth throughout the COVID-19 pandemic have largely relied on technology. Some have put current technologies to newfound use, while others have invested in new dental technology to bring in extra revenue. Continue reading for three technologies dentists have relied on to keep schedules full and revenues up during the COVID-19 pandemic.

3 Ways to Create End-of-Year Excitement and Engage with Your Patient Community

Though holiday plans for many families will be different in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are still plenty of ways to show your patients they’re part of your practice’s family and create some excitement heading into the new year. We asked Cassie Brehmer, a marketing campaign specialist at Patterson Dental, for her top tips for marketing during the holidays, reactivating patients and getting a boost leading into the new year.

The Routine Dental Exam: The First Line of Defense Against Oral Disease

Regular comprehensive dental exams provide patients the best chance at improving their health and quality of life while allowing practitioners to deliver a higher standard of care. This OnTarget article discusses oral health screening guidance for clinicians before and during the exam, the importance of oral cancer screening, and recommended products for dental exam and prophylaxis.

Keeping up With Demand: A New Practice Faces Questions About the Future

For many new and longtime dental practices, the thought of expansion can be daunting. Questions persist about how to take on more patients in an existing space and whether the adoption of newer technology will help dentists deliver services faster. But with the help of Patterson Dental educator Kathy Brodal, a new practice in North Dakota reached its goals in less than six years.

Dentistry Beyond 2020: Looking Forward to the Future

To say that 2020 was a year of rapid change is an understatement. After a brief shutdown of practices across the country due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the dental industry reopened with the adoption of new technologies, stricter infection control guidelines and a renewed focus on personal and team wellness. Linda Harvey, MS, RDH, HRM, shares her thoughts on what’s in store for 2021.